Get ready, folks. You'll have to learn a new lexicon because a tiny minority is imposing their distorted agenda and threatening our free speech. It's already occurring across the US and in Canada, and it's creeping into other places. Soon, words like 'he' and 'she' may be deemed offensive in law.
Don't laugh! I'm not being alarmist; it's happening.
Radicals in the transgender community have hijacked legal systems for their agenda. If you don't use the words they insist on, be ready to face the law for so-called 'hate speech'. These PC fascists seek to dominate us and then force their will on the public by shutting down free speech, leading to unintended consequences.
This debate is not about sexual politics. That issue does not concern me in the least. Free speech interests me and is a fundamental right we must protect. The question must be, how can we sustain free speech when laws control language?
Fortunately, Hong Kong remains unencumbered by the extreme elements of PC nonsense. Although, if given space, you can expect the radicals to take ground to impose their ways.
PC had a purpose in its first iteration. It helped stop the strong from abusing the weak by fostering a culture change. This approach pushed organisations to recognise the underdog and the oppressed, which is good. Let's be clear; you can call yourself what you like. But it would be best if you didn't use the law to enforce that on other people.
Further, people have a right to be offended. I'm comfortable with that. I take my fair share of criticism and ribbing as part of being an adult. Although I never feel the need to call upon the law to protect me from someone who calls me "Baldy" or "You fat bastard".
Most would feel it's gone too far when you can't ask for white coffee because that 'perpetuates the repression of black people'. You've got to laugh when the Students Union bans Mexican hats for being racist. I'm sorry, that's nonsense.
Then, the whole pronoun saga escalates the silliness to new heights. In June of this year, laws were introduced in Canada to give legal effect to this issue. The use of the wrong pronoun can invite legal action. Why governments need to intervene and dictate words is beyond me. It sounds a lot like North Korea or Nazi Germany.
Depending on who you ask, there are upwards of 50 pronouns that the self-appointed arbiters of language wish to impose on us. It's all baffling, with a hint of Animal Farm.
By the start of the twenty-first century, we'd banked the gains from the PC approach. Women's rights are on track, while gays, minorities and people with disabilities are making significant progress. There are outstanding issues, but PC culture is now producing diminishing returns. It's working against itself, as the majority baulks against the zealots.
There are voices in the transgender community that oppose these provisions. These people recognise that the law is counter-productive as it fosters resentment. Forcing people to change their outlook in such a manner may drive a wedge between people.
Meanwhile, the radicals are doubling their resolve to create new would-be victims. To help this new 'victim class,' they've invented labels and identities. The next step is to fabricate prejudice against these people that I didn't even know existed. How can I form an opinion when unsure what 'binary' means? But no worries, as a white male, I'm assumed to hate them; they've decided that for me.
This folly is feeding self-entitlement on an industrial scale. The clumsy handling of gender issues by the radicals is symptomatic of a broader problem with the PC culture. It poisons the debate.
In Britain, genuflecting state-funded entities drive this change to appease a few. The consent of the majority was ignored. Here's how it works. We know that 80% of Brits favour less immigration to the UK. All the same, you can't discuss this subject without accusations of racism or a hate crime.
Those brave souls who raise the issue face many attacks, which shut down the debate. The attackers aim to close the public space for discussion by intimidating people. Remember Gillian Duffy? That incident pulled back the curtain on the insidious nature of the PC cult.
Some anecdotal evidence suggests that a decline in science study is driving the rise of PC culture. Emotion now takes precedence. Thus, this anti-intellectual phenomenon seeks to challenge the strides we have made as humans.
Such courses as 'Women Studies' foster a culture of victimhood because participants are not taught critical thinking, which involves the application of truths and facts. Instead, they immerse themselves in a world dominated by evil white males. These white men are intent on nasty deeds. Everything gets viewed through the prism of distrust, tinged with a strong sentiment of repression.
Ignored is that millions of men and women worked for centuries to construct a society that nurtured, fed, and sheltered these people—the people who now call themselves victims. The victims overlook that they are the lucky generation. There are no large-scale wars, food in their bellies, and every opportunity before them. Nonetheless, they are the victims.
That self-appointed victim status gives them privileges, including the right to tell others what to say and think.
And this has consequences. When the tenets of the PC culture apply in public policy areas, the outcomes are not good. For example, to avoid offending migrants, they are not expected to integrate. Thus, parts of the UK are non-English speaking. Nor did they adopt the customs or civilities of their host nation. In turn, this creates grievances among the indigenous people. Woe-betide the unfortunate soul that dares to point this out … 'racist'.
With the British Police afraid to speak the truth, threats go unaddressed. The hypocrisy of this situation is overwhelming. Research in the UK has revealed that 80% of grooming cases of underage girls involve Asian males. Even the term 'grooming' is a cover up for rape: grooming sugegsts something softer and hards a truth.
Police Forces exercised wilful blindness to these rape gangs because race is a factor, and they didn't want accusations of discrimination. Even so, they had no such difficulty discussing the fact that 90% of paedophiles are white Anglo-Saxon males. Can you spot the difference?
Likewise, the war on terror demands that we assert where the threat is. It's young males in a specific community, many of whom are religious fanatics. No matter, the SJW warriors using PC culture won't allow such discussions. Thereby, they facilitate the modern terrorist.
People struggling with issues of gender deserve sympathy and support. They don't need laws that force the rest of us to speak with certain words. That's nothing more than extreme social engineering.
If we allow this to continue, can we pick our pronouns? If yes, I henceforth will be 'Walter the Magnificent, Lord Of the Known Universe'. If you don't use the correct pronoun, I'll get upset, then call the Police!
December 2017
Don't laugh! I'm not being alarmist; it's happening.
Radicals in the transgender community have hijacked legal systems for their agenda. If you don't use the words they insist on, be ready to face the law for so-called 'hate speech'. These PC fascists seek to dominate us and then force their will on the public by shutting down free speech, leading to unintended consequences.
This debate is not about sexual politics. That issue does not concern me in the least. Free speech interests me and is a fundamental right we must protect. The question must be, how can we sustain free speech when laws control language?
Fortunately, Hong Kong remains unencumbered by the extreme elements of PC nonsense. Although, if given space, you can expect the radicals to take ground to impose their ways.
PC had a purpose in its first iteration. It helped stop the strong from abusing the weak by fostering a culture change. This approach pushed organisations to recognise the underdog and the oppressed, which is good. Let's be clear; you can call yourself what you like. But it would be best if you didn't use the law to enforce that on other people.
Further, people have a right to be offended. I'm comfortable with that. I take my fair share of criticism and ribbing as part of being an adult. Although I never feel the need to call upon the law to protect me from someone who calls me "Baldy" or "You fat bastard".
Most would feel it's gone too far when you can't ask for white coffee because that 'perpetuates the repression of black people'. You've got to laugh when the Students Union bans Mexican hats for being racist. I'm sorry, that's nonsense.
Then, the whole pronoun saga escalates the silliness to new heights. In June of this year, laws were introduced in Canada to give legal effect to this issue. The use of the wrong pronoun can invite legal action. Why governments need to intervene and dictate words is beyond me. It sounds a lot like North Korea or Nazi Germany.
Depending on who you ask, there are upwards of 50 pronouns that the self-appointed arbiters of language wish to impose on us. It's all baffling, with a hint of Animal Farm.
By the start of the twenty-first century, we'd banked the gains from the PC approach. Women's rights are on track, while gays, minorities and people with disabilities are making significant progress. There are outstanding issues, but PC culture is now producing diminishing returns. It's working against itself, as the majority baulks against the zealots.
There are voices in the transgender community that oppose these provisions. These people recognise that the law is counter-productive as it fosters resentment. Forcing people to change their outlook in such a manner may drive a wedge between people.
Meanwhile, the radicals are doubling their resolve to create new would-be victims. To help this new 'victim class,' they've invented labels and identities. The next step is to fabricate prejudice against these people that I didn't even know existed. How can I form an opinion when unsure what 'binary' means? But no worries, as a white male, I'm assumed to hate them; they've decided that for me.
This folly is feeding self-entitlement on an industrial scale. The clumsy handling of gender issues by the radicals is symptomatic of a broader problem with the PC culture. It poisons the debate.
In Britain, genuflecting state-funded entities drive this change to appease a few. The consent of the majority was ignored. Here's how it works. We know that 80% of Brits favour less immigration to the UK. All the same, you can't discuss this subject without accusations of racism or a hate crime.
Those brave souls who raise the issue face many attacks, which shut down the debate. The attackers aim to close the public space for discussion by intimidating people. Remember Gillian Duffy? That incident pulled back the curtain on the insidious nature of the PC cult.
Some anecdotal evidence suggests that a decline in science study is driving the rise of PC culture. Emotion now takes precedence. Thus, this anti-intellectual phenomenon seeks to challenge the strides we have made as humans.
Such courses as 'Women Studies' foster a culture of victimhood because participants are not taught critical thinking, which involves the application of truths and facts. Instead, they immerse themselves in a world dominated by evil white males. These white men are intent on nasty deeds. Everything gets viewed through the prism of distrust, tinged with a strong sentiment of repression.
Ignored is that millions of men and women worked for centuries to construct a society that nurtured, fed, and sheltered these people—the people who now call themselves victims. The victims overlook that they are the lucky generation. There are no large-scale wars, food in their bellies, and every opportunity before them. Nonetheless, they are the victims.
That self-appointed victim status gives them privileges, including the right to tell others what to say and think.
And this has consequences. When the tenets of the PC culture apply in public policy areas, the outcomes are not good. For example, to avoid offending migrants, they are not expected to integrate. Thus, parts of the UK are non-English speaking. Nor did they adopt the customs or civilities of their host nation. In turn, this creates grievances among the indigenous people. Woe-betide the unfortunate soul that dares to point this out … 'racist'.
With the British Police afraid to speak the truth, threats go unaddressed. The hypocrisy of this situation is overwhelming. Research in the UK has revealed that 80% of grooming cases of underage girls involve Asian males. Even the term 'grooming' is a cover up for rape: grooming sugegsts something softer and hards a truth.
Police Forces exercised wilful blindness to these rape gangs because race is a factor, and they didn't want accusations of discrimination. Even so, they had no such difficulty discussing the fact that 90% of paedophiles are white Anglo-Saxon males. Can you spot the difference?
Likewise, the war on terror demands that we assert where the threat is. It's young males in a specific community, many of whom are religious fanatics. No matter, the SJW warriors using PC culture won't allow such discussions. Thereby, they facilitate the modern terrorist.
People struggling with issues of gender deserve sympathy and support. They don't need laws that force the rest of us to speak with certain words. That's nothing more than extreme social engineering.
If we allow this to continue, can we pick our pronouns? If yes, I henceforth will be 'Walter the Magnificent, Lord Of the Known Universe'. If you don't use the correct pronoun, I'll get upset, then call the Police!
December 2017
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